January 30, 2012

My husband can build stuff

Look at my new bookcase!


Chris made it for me. He got a fancy air compressor thingy with tools for Christmas from his folks, and he's been busy. 

I had a sad brown bookcase in my office area, but it was falling apart. Doesn't this look better?

It matches the desk that Laura made for me. Aren't I lucky to have people who make things?

Chris also made this silverware drawer insert. It's way better and makes a whole lot more sense than the little plastic one we had. 

Yay! I can't wait to see what I get...I mean, what Chris makes, next. 

January 13, 2012

What are your 2012 Fashion Resolutions?

What are your 2012 Fashion Resolutions? How do you plan to feel great by looking your best this year?

This is the latest question in the Life Well Lived BlogHer program. I've shared my answer and you should too!

January 12, 2012

Book Review: Why Women Need Fat

Why Women Need Fat by William D. Lassek, M.D., and Steven J. C. Gaulin, PH.D., is one of the most interesting books I've read in quite some time. It's definitely one of my favorites from the BlogHer Book Club. It's not a diet book like you might think. It's a historical, sociological and medical look at how women's bodies work and how the American diet has changed to work against them.

I'm a strong believer in real food. No fast food, processed cheese, soda or other junk foods in my house. This book supports my beliefs, and it also goes into detail about how and why those foods are harmful and make women fat. The book describes the anthropological history of women's bodies in supporting pregnancies and producing health babies. One of the most interesting facts is that the American diet since the dawn of processed foods and vegetable fats has been reduced in omega-3 fats. Did you know that in women's bodies omega-3 fats are turned into DHA, stored around the hips and thighs and this DHA is solely responsible for nourishing a growing baby's brain in the womb? 

To me that is fascinating. And, what this book explains is that the American diet has transformed, thanks to vegetable oils like soy and corn, into a diet that is depleted of good fat and high in bad fat: omega-6. This bad fat actually lowers the good fat, omega-3, you ingest and may already have in your body. 

I'll stop giving away the book, but there's plenty more to learn. Whether you're heavy or skinny, this book isn't going to make you feel bad. It's purpose, in my opinion, is to enlighten you as to how your foods affect you, your body and even your children. Even if you don't read it, remember as Michael Pollen says, "You are what you eat eats." 

I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review, but all opinions expressed are my own. 

January 10, 2012

Quick kitchen tip: Freeze in measurements

I've developed a kitchen tip that I want to share. 

I am freezing foods in measurements. I have been making stock for a while, and I would freeze it all together in one large container; however, when I would need just a cup, I would have to deal with thawing the entire container. 

So now I freeze in measurements. 

For example, this ramekin is 1 cup. I know because I took a measure cup filled with water and poured it in the rameken to confirm. 

Each individual hole in this ice tray is 2 tablespoons. 

Now, when I make stock, I pour it into these different sizes and freeze the containers. When the stock is completely frozen, I pop it out and put it in a labeled bag in the freezer. It's super easy to then grab a cup or tablespoon when I need it. 

I have also used this method with tomato paste. 

Tomato paste comes in 6 ounces, but most recipes I use call for just one tablespoon or so. 

I take the remaining tomato paste and using a tablespoon scoop out individual tablespoons onto a cookie sheet. I place the cookie sheet full of tablespoons of tomato paste in the freezer. 

When everything is froze, I throw them in a labeled bag. Easy to grab a tablespoon's worth!

You could use this method with a ton of other things I'm sure. Any other ideas?

Also be sure to take my purse poll after reading this post.

January 9, 2012

Purse talk

So I think I want a satchel purse. Am I old or out of touch with fashion? 

According to lovemypursenality.com, a satchel is usually defined as: What makes it a satchel is the handles and the shape of the purse.  The handles are smaller and is typically worn by the elbow, the shape of the purse is a typically shallower with rounded edges.  However, a true ‘satchel’ has an additional shoulder strap.

Here are the reasons that I think I want a satchel:

1. I want to carry my wallet, phone, earbud case, checkbook and new touch Kindle. All of these things are very small and very flat. I think they would be easy to find in a satchel purse due to its shape. They would all just sit right there and not roll around in the extra room, right? 

2. My current purse is too big. Is that possible? Maybe. I love my current purse. It's a hobo, and while I love the look of it, I'm constantly swishing my arms around in it trying to find stuff. So aggravating! 

3. I must have a shoulder strap option. I don't really care if my purse has small handles, but it has to have a shoulder strap. I need my arms free to do things like buy groceries, swipe my credit card and live in general. 

Okay, those are really all my reasons, so what do you think? 

Here are some examples of satchels from Endless.com

HOBO INTERNATIONAL's Blanca satchel in Cognac

Cole Hann Avery in Poppy

Co-Lab by Christopher Kon Katie-864 Satchel in Cognac

Melie Blanco Lana Satchel in yellow

Out of these, I'm leaning toward the HOBO because it looks the smallest in width without being too roomy for things to get lost. 

Because I love you all, my readers, I'm asking for your vote. On the right-hand side of my blog is now a poll you can take. Please choose your favorite. Rock the vote!

January 4, 2012

Life is better on the beach

I think life may actually be better on the beach, and I think the beautiful skies we saw during our recent vacation confirm my suspicions. Enjoy. 

January 3, 2012

Top 10 Photo List: Christmas and Beach Vacay

Happy New Year!

Before I embrace 2012, I have to finish out 2011 with a report on our holidays. Chris and I spent the holidays traveling and had so much fun seeing family and vacationing on the beach. 

Chris and I both took lots of photos. 

Instead of boring you with every detail, and make you totally jealous, I've decided to do a Top 10 Photo List. 

Here are the top 10 photos from Christmas 2011: 

Fun times, right? 

If that wasn't enough, here is the Top 10 Photo List of Beach Vacation 2011-2012: 


Happy holidays!!

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