February 22, 2013

Fourth months of fun

This has been a fun month. Everett and I went to see Gus, who was totally into loving on E until I pulled out my phone and tried to get a photo. Then he was all about my phone!


E moved to the kitchen sink because his 16.5-pound-self wouldn't fit in the upstairs sink anymore!

I did take the four-month photos. 

And we celebrated Valentine's Day!


We went to Ash Wednesday church, and although E didn't like when the organ started playing, he settled down and did really well through the service. 

Do you love his sweater set?

This month E worked a lot on being adorable. I think he was born with this talent. Thanks to Laura for his sailing shirt!



February 7, 2013

Transfer Day: A Year Later

A year ago today was transfer day for us. Little E got to come out of the freezer and be implanted! 

A year later, we've got this face. 

Blessings abound.

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