October 14, 2009

Fun With Frittatas

The other day I was perusing my food blogs and stumbled upon a link to this recipe. It lays out the recipe for a zucchini frittata. At that moment I realized how much I love frittatas. Mom used to make them a lot, and I may or may not have eaten them during that stage in my life, but I know now that I love them.

I had what was sure to be my last zucchinis of the season from the farmers' market at home, eggs from when I made cookies last week and of course the staples of onions and Parmesan cheese. Who could cook anything without those? I also have a full thyme plant, which I grew from a stem from one of those grocery store packets.

I ran the zucchini across the mandoline-like blade of my grater and followed suit with the onions, threw them in a skillet to saute, added the thyme, then the scrambled eggs and baked it in the oven. When it was almost done, I poured some grated cheese on top and put it back in underneath the broiler. It was delicious!

Now that I remember how much I love frittatas, I'm going to make lots of variations. You can use anything you like. The blog mentions potatoes instead of zucchinis. I'm also thinking about a spinach, bacon and onion, maybe even add some tomatoes. Any ingredients would work. It's like a healthier pizza option!


  1. Awwww...you remembered.

  2. I read this after just eating dinner, and now I am hungry again. You should look into doing a food column.


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