April 28, 2013

Sitting and smiling

These aren't Everett's official six month photos, but you can see that he is sitting up by himself and loves to smile!

And then the shoot was over...

April 12, 2013

Sink fun

I know I'll be moving Everett out of the sink for baths soon, so I wanted to grab some shots first.

April 11, 2013

Grandmothers are the best

Everett is so luck to have two grandmothers who think the world of him. 



Everett is also SUPER DUPER lucky to have a great grandmother. I think the photos say it all.

April 10, 2013

Easter photos

Easter turned into an impromptu photo shoot day. 

I think this classifies as an awkward family photo. I had a sinus infection and look pale as a ghost. Chris looks like a lurker, and Everett is unsure about the entire thing.

This redeems us a little bit. 

Everett wasn't too sure about all the photos. 

But he warmed up. 

Grandma got in for some love. 

Everett wasn't sure he wanted to share the spotlight. 


Daddy got some kisses. 

And then it was my turn. He wasn't sure at first. 

But I'm pretty sure this is my favorite shot ever. 

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