The People

This is us. 

Chris and I have been married almost 7 years. We're originally from Little Rock. Our first house in Little Rock was across from an elementary school, and after 1.5 years of living there, the school bought the property and began tearing the houses around us down. We were allowed out of our lease, and they actually cut our house in half and moved it someplace else. Strange House Occurrence #1.

So we moved to another rent house. 

This one had a location even closer to our jobs, and it had a screened-in porch, which we loved. After 2 years of living there, the house was broken into and robbed, and we never went back. Strange House Occurrence #2.

So we moved to my folks' guest house. Strange House Occurrence #3.

While we were there, Chris found a new job in Memphis, and we prepared to move again. 

Ten months later, we moved to Memphis and into a second-level apartment. I was unemployed for a month, spent a lot of time talking to the animals and vacuuming, and I started this blog

Then I got a job, a newer new job, we bought a house, and lived happily ever after!

Check the blog often to see how that is going...

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