October 26, 2012

Everett is here!

Thad Everett Cook was born October 15th at 10: 35am. He weighed 9.3 lbs and was 19 7/8 inches long. 

We are so thrilled to have a healthy baby boy!

Here I am packed up and ready to get him. 

Our last photo of just the two of us. 

We stared at this door waiting for him to make his arrival. 

And then he was here!

Chris even got to cut part of the cord. 

Love at first sight. 

The grandmothers

And grandfathers were there. 

First picture of the three of us!

I just love this picture. It looks like there is lots of uncertainty going on here...

Everett also got to meet his great-grandparents. 

And if you can believe it, he also got to meet all our friends' babies!

Hey Gus!

Hey Katie!

Sarah and her baby.

Chris and Katie.

Jenny and Darrin got to love on the babies too. 

Gus was taken with Porter a bit more than the babies. 

I love this one with Jenny and Katie and Laura and Everett.

Moms and babies

All the ladies!

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