February 24, 2011

Porter Versus the Flowers

"Porter, what are you doing?"

"Oh nothing, Mother. Just admiring you....and these lovely flowers." 

"I feel as though they may be mocking me."

"I need to show them who's boss."

"Porter they aren't mocking you. Leave my flowers alone!"

"Just let me get one bite of them."

"Porter, you're supposed to stop and smell the flowers, not their water!"

"I must show them my cat strength!"

"Porter! Stop it!"

"Fine, Mother." 

"I shall sit in your tray now and stare at them."

"For now..."

February 22, 2011

Meet Lolli!

We have a new furry baby in our friend circle. 

Meet Lolli

The cutest little, fluffy girl ever.

Porter and Grace got her a welcome-to-the-family gift. It's the tiniest chew toy for her tiny, baby teeth.

This is my favorite photo. Can you see her little tongue?

Darrin and Jenny came over to meet her, and they fell in love too.

Tired from being so loved, Lolli fell asleep in Jenny's arms.

And she stayed there

And stayed there

Darrin did get some neck snuggle.

Chris even got some cuddle time.

I didn't even get a photo of Lolli with her parents!

I guess I'll have to go back and see her soon...

Harvest Moon

The other night, we had the largest, orange-hued full moon. I attempted to take some photos using my tripod. 

I don't think any of these captured exactly what I wanted, but I was pleased with the contrast and unique aspects of these. 

Which ones is your favorite?

February 18, 2011

The way to the heart

You've heard that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I'm pretty sure it's the way to my heart too. 

For this year's Valentine's Day, Chris and I decided to stay low-key and do a dinner at home. 

I had been thinking about a menu for several weeks, but I just couldn't come up with any inspiration. 

Steaks? Surf and turf? Shrimp something? 

It just wasn't coming to me. 

Does any of that sound bad? 


One of the cool parts was that Chris and I had candied bacon at our wedding. Yes, I know you wish you were there. The funny part was that we only got two pieces because the rest was eaten. For years, people still commented on our candied bacon. 

My mom would make me chocolate chip pancakes on the weekends when I was growing up. Chris' mom has always made him pancakes too, so I know he loves them, and Chris introduced me to Nutella. 

I decided this recipe was our food love child. 

And with that, I decided I would make it for Valentine's Day.

When else can you splurge with a dinner full of breakfast and dessert?

I decided that we'd need a heavy appetizer since we were having sugar for dinner. 

I went with twice baked potatoes. I know. A little strange. But, I bought a few small potatoes, and they made for some perfect small bites, while I was making dinner. 

Dinner was delicious. 
Way more sugary and decadent than we're used to, but it was a really fun meal.

And, isn't that what Valentine's Day should be about?

February 17, 2011

The Man Cave

Here's our updated Man Cave, aka the office I kicked myself out of. 
See the duck?

Look! Man accessories. 

Thankfully, Porter was able to keep his bed by the window.

Manly desk with man photos above it.

And more of the duck. 

Remember that chair was downstairs in my nook. We were thinking of putting a bookcase on this wall, but now with the chair there, I'm not sure. What do you all think? 

That's your tour of Man Cave Central!

February 15, 2011

We've got a winner!

Hey, the winner has been chosen on www.themuddytruthreviews.blogspot.com, so run on over to see if it's you!

Another snow post

It seems silly to blog about snow when it's almost 70 degrees here today, but better late than never!

You saw our sledding adventure, but here are some photos of the actual snow fall and neighborhood. 
I took this video to show how fast the snow was actually falling.

Porter was pretty content to stay in his heated bed and watch the snow from indoors. 

 Grace and I ventured outside on our balcony to get a good view. 

Snow-covered pup. 

For this next set of photographs, I set up my tripod in our kitchen window. I took 2 photographs every 30 minutes to show the increase of the snow buildup. 

It's not an exact science, but if you scroll kind of quickly, you can see the change over time. 

We'll see if this is our last snow of the winter or not.

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